Not So Delicate Week 1 wrap up

  • Posted on: 10 August 2020
  • By: Michelle Brightwell

This week in our book club dedicated to a thorough look at Circe by Madeline Miller, we read the first 5 chapters and discussed both in our Goodreads Group and  in a Zoom meeting on Wednesday night.

We were introduced to the world of Gods and Goddesses in Greek mythology in the voice of Circe, an outcast amongst her family and other dieties, and they never shy away from the chance to tell her just how little they think of her. They tell her that she is ugly, that she will never be anything, that they hate her squeaky voice. She is alone in a palace crowded by gods and goddesses and naiads or nymphs, and her only companion, her brother, leaves her behind when promised a kingdom of his own. She befriends a human man, but when she calls in favors to help him, he decides that he’s now too good for her, and in her anger, she vows revenge.

In our meeting we discussed Circe in art, and John Waterhouse’s famous Circe paintings, and Circe in pop culture.


Miller provided her favorite images of circe in art through the ages on her blog

John Waterhouse's Circe Invidiosa


















Circe was a character in an episode of Duck Tales back in the day

Animated Circe with Scrooge McDuck from Ducktales







And Also in an episode of the Disney Hercules TV Show

Animated image of Circe


If you’d like to jump in with us this week to discuss chapters 6-10, you can find the conversation On Goodreads here and you can join us Wednesday night on Zoom!

Zoom Details

Topic: Not So Delicate - Circe Book Club Week 2

Time: Aug 12, 2020 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)


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