List of Horror Movies Referenced in The Final Girl Support Group
List of Horror Movies Referenced in The Final Girl Support Group
The new Grady Hendrix novel The Final Girl Support Group is a love letter to the slasher films that were so popular from the late ‘70s into the ‘80s. If you have read the book or listened to the audiobook read by Adrienne King (who was the “Final Girl” in the original 1980 film Friday the 13th), you may be interested to know it is loaded with slasher movie references and in-jokes. If you were wondering about some of these movies, here is what I found available between the HMCPL collection and Hoopla. Since entire series are referenced in the book, I provided a link to every film available in a series.
This list of film titles in no way spoils any of the surprises the book offers.
Here goes:
Friday the 13th / DVDs available from HMCPL
Halloween / DVDs available from HMCPL & Hoopla
(Includes Curse of M.M./H20/Resurrection)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre / DVDs available from HMCPL & Hoopla
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 on Hoopla
A Nightmare on Elm Street / DVDs available from HMCPL
Scream / DVDs available from HMCPL
Silent Night, Deadly Night / DVDs available at HMCPL & Hoopla
Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 on Hoopla
Carrie / DVDs available from HMCPL & Hoopla
Carrie on Blu-ray
The Rage Carrie 2 on Hoopla
Carrie Remake on Blu-ray
Prom Night / DVDs available from HMCPL & Hoopla
Prom Night on Hoopla
Prom Night II on Hoopla
Slumber Party Massacre on Hoopla