Two Librarians Walk Into a Shelf Episode 3

  • Posted on: 21 August 2020
  • By: Michelle Brightwell

In this episode, your hosts discuss favorite romance reads, and also a little of the interesting history behind some of the most iconic and beloved romance novel covers. You can listen to episode three here.

Christmas at Harrington's by Melody Carlson

COVID-19 Resources for the Unhoused

  • Posted on: 20 August 2020
  • By: Jake Cornelius

Two of the most effective tools in fighting a pandemic are 1) widespread testing and 2) quarantining of the sick, both of which have logistical challenges that are amplified when you don't have a home.

If you find yourself homeless in Huntsville with concerns about contracting COVID-19, here are the resources available to you in the city, along with things you must keep in mind:



The Tired Parent’s Guide to Storytime

  • Posted on: 20 August 2020
  • By: Connie Chow

I am here to lay some truth on you about how a tired parent reads to her child at the end of a long day. Sometimes when your day is 8 hours of work, meal prep x 3, drinking 64 ounces of water, and attempting those recommended 10,000 steps, you have nothing left in you except lots of water. The library has two library digital resources, Hoopla Digital and BookFlix, that will help you reclaim your time and supplement your bedtime ritual with an entertaining story.
