5 Authors to check out on Hoopla Part 3

  • Posted on: 3 May 2020
  • By: Robert Freese

Chelsea Quinn Yarbro- An amazingly prolific author, Yarbro began with the first of the Charles Spotted mystery series, Ogilvie, Tallant & Moon in 1976. She has written numerous series including historical mystery/ghost (Chesterton Holte, Gentleman Haunt series), western (Jason Russell series), historical horror (The Saint-Germain Cycle), fantasy (book 2 in the Merchant Prince series) science-fiction (book four in the Crisis of Empire series) and dozens of novels and short stories, written under her own and various pen names. In 2009 she won the Bram Stoker Award for Lifetime Achievement. For me, I became acquainted with Yarbro’s work with her 1980 novelization for the 1981 zombie thriller Dead & Buried.

Why Do I See What I See in my Facebook Feed?

  • Posted on: 28 April 2020
  • By: Michelle Brightwell

Picture this: you’re scrolling Facebook on your device and suddenly you see a news story pop up with a headline that catches your eye. The channel isn’t local to you, and you know you’ve never seen that page before. It’s possible that above the news story, Facebook has let you know that a former coworker has commented on the news story, and then Facebook shows you the comment your coworker left.

You scroll by, but you read the headline, and maybe even a little blurb and your coworker’s comment.

You scroll past a meme about alcohol consumption during social distancing. You scroll past a meme about homeschooling kids. You scroll past a scathing political meme.
