Winners of the American Library Association's Youth Media Awards

  • Posted on: 19 February 2021
  • By: Jon Schafle

With the new year, the American Library Association (ALA) has released the 2021 Youth Media Awards which recognizes youth and young adult books for outstanding achievement based on certain criteria, below I've listed the awards winners and when available linked the titles we have currently in the library catalog. For a more in depth look at past and present winners and honorees check out our comprehensive libguide, Award Winning Youth Books.

John Newbery Award

The John Newbery Award is named after an 18th century British bookseller and given annually for "the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children."

Top Three Books for People Who Like Organizing

  • Posted on: 12 February 2021
  • By: Aimee Moon

Most organizing books have the same general principle, although they each have their own spin to them. Out of the many organizing books, these three stuck out the most to me personally. If there is a particular one you liked and want to read similar books or just books similar to the author, you can use our Novelist tool to find them.

1. The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up and Spark Joy by Marie Kondo

New Juvenile Non-Fiction for February

  • Posted on: 8 February 2021
  • By: Melissa Shuman

I love juvenile non-fiction.  Imagine me spreading my arms out wide and saying, “I love juvenile non-fiction this much.”  Why?  Juvenile non-fiction teaches children about the world they live in with vibrant illustrations and photos, and exciting text.  Really--the juvenile non-fiction books of today are not the books you or your parents read.  Gone are the days of pages and pages of text and one or two pictures.  Juvenile non-fiction has made an incredible transformation from then to now and I am going to highlight 5 new non-fiction titles that have come out this month.   Click on the photo to put the title on hold in our system. You can put all five on hold—I won’t tell.

Graphic Novels to Read During Black History Month

  • Posted on: 3 February 2021
  • By: Jon Schafle

Black History Month is a great reason to explore new books to read and broaden your horizons. Over the past several years I've built the library's adult graphics collection with a number of voices, perspectives and cultural representations. In honor of this month, I've curated some of my favorite titles either by black creators, or featuring black characters or non-fiction titles about black history.

Basquiat: A Graphic Novel by  Paolo Parisi
