New DVD Release: Last Night in Soho
New DVD Release:
Last Night in Soho
New DVD Release:
Last Night in Soho
2021 brought readers all new stories to add to their "To Be Read" lists. Whether a new story or old, we all found a favorite read that we can't wait to share. The HMCPL staff had plenty of favorite books they read throughout 2021 and we wanted to share a few with you!
Don’t Hug Doug written by Carrie Finison Illustrated by Daniel Wiseman
The words “I Have a Dream” are known by many people across the nation and even around the world. While these words are often the first thing many learn about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., also known as MLK Jr., it is also commonly where their knowledge ends on the civil rights activist. With Martin Luther king Jr. Day approaching on Monday, January 17, it is the perfect time to learn more about the activist and the cause he lived for. Check out our list of MLK Jr. books for all ages!
The Hoopla Holidays
Kanopy Comedies
After casing Kanopy for the best comedy films I could find, I came up with this offering of ten newer titles that may be worth your time. I tried to cover as many comedy bases as possible.
Creator Spotlight: Mike Mignola
Mike Mignola is an American artist and writer most famously known for his work at Dark Horse Publishing where we created the character Hellboy and it's various spin-offs and sister series. Before that he worked for both Marvel and DC as both a penciler and inker on a number of series as well as a cover artist for several Batman issues. Famed comic book creator Alan Moore has described Mignola's style as that of "German expressionism meets Jack Kirby." Below are some of the comics and novels featuring his work both in our catalog and on Hoopla.
New on Hoopla for November
A Hoopla/Kanopy Halloween
Halloween is here and it is on a weekend! You know what that means, right? Horror movie binge weekend! We're not fooling around with this list. We're down to the wire. I've seen every flick I'm posting here and I don't think any of them are a waste of your time. Each title box links to the film on either Hoopla or Kanopy. (Big title boxes are available from Hoopla and the small title boxes are available from Kanopy.) Some are scary, some are funny, some are pretty strange, but all are perfect for a weekend Halloween horror binge. Happy Halloween!
13 Weird Horror Chillers on Kanopy
Here are some of the weirdest horror flicks I could find while sweeping through KANOPY. These are mostly on the fringe, cult films. Some were very popular when they were first released years ago and some have only become popular in recent years. If you are in the mood for weird, there may be a couple titles on this list you’d like to scope out from Kanopy.
New 2021 Horror Films on Hoopla